O.o. i am extremely certain that forensic sciences is so not my forte. we tried to have a print of our own fingerprints today and we experimented with different ways of lifting fingerprints such as pencil lead and talcum powder and not one of our attempts were successful. the pencil lead fingerprints came out as one big black blob that we couldn't even see the prints. the talcum powder was better but only slightly. the fingerprints were blurred. Sigh. so now we have to redo. :)
I think home econs is super fun la. the lessons are getting more and more interesting. i love fridays!!! cos we have absolutely nothing to do for the whole day!!!! YAY!
The only downside today was that i have a bad sore throat. it feels like the right side of my throat and i have a big ulcer on my mouth. i bet it's caused by the braces la. funny, they never seem to give me much problems. oh well, at least it's not more than just ulcers. :) Thank goodness.
I have trouble concentrating on Chi PT nowadays. I have no idea why. I always feel sleepy each time i start on memorising that book la. Short attention span??! I'm sure it's has something to do with the font of the book.
Ohoh. thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday. ahaha. although it was like five days ago. sorry, late extension of thanks.
hmph. i do want to watch half-blood prince but my mum says i have to wait for the dvd to come out to watch. sigh. guess i have to rely on friends' word of mouth.
Back to chi pt. hoping it would be better since it's like what? 4.55pm now? shouldn't feel that sleepy. :)