goodness. how i crave for something exciting in life. and i mean something pleasant exciting, not horrible exciting. i'm accident-prone today or so i warned emeline to stay away or she would get infected. i hit my head against this new shelf set outside the library while i was trying to put my bag down. then i entered the library and when i left, i crashed right into the security barrier thing or sth (the one that beeps if u forgot to scan your books). then i crashed into deborah face-on. Urgh. Then when i got on to the MRT, i went (almost) smack into somebody else. That was partially my fault cos i wasn't looking where i was going. i was dreaming about sth that i forgot. thank goodness everything improved when i reached home. no accidents. STAY THAT WAY.
nth interesting today cos it was Exams, with a capital E. hateful horrible creatures that i wished could be removed someday. Only good thing: went home at 11.
tried to talk oldie language on the bus with deborah (no offence) but it turns out quite wrong. (The following conversation was refined)
Her: Dear me, old acquaintance
Me: Pardon my follies, comrade.
Her: I shalt not pursue.
(Something happened in between. then we dropped the thing but we resumed when she alighted the bus.)
Me: Here we part, old chum.
Her: (couldn't hear her reply)
Haha. i know it's weird but it was great fun. which kind of reminds me we are having war poetry for lit exams. hmm. depressing...